remote learning

How Parents Can Prepare for Distance Learning

No one said it would be easy adapting to the new learning format of 2020.  Teachers will not be able to develop as deep a relationship with children through a computer screen, as they would in a classroom setting. Parents may have a new role to play, as translators to their child, and messengers to the teachers.  Parents can get more involved, without spending all day monitoring class work.  

How does your child learn?  Parents have this unique window into what kind of learner their child is, by working closely with them pre-pandemic.  This information can be used to determine “what kind of support their child needs to be successful.

To be more precise in this support, you might observe your child.   Are they someone who needs a lot of accountability?  Do they shut down with a test, but come alive when creating portfolios? Are they motivated by certain topics?  Once you discover what interests your child, and what frustrates them, you need to communicate to the teacher what expectations you have, and which goals should be set.  

Ask for more feedback from teachers. It’s a known fact that online learning, which began in the Spring, didn’t work successfully for many families.  Communication with the teacher was lacking, and many students did not receive one to one instruction with their teachers.  In addition, parents didn’t receive personal guidance about how to best support their child.      

Be kind and empathetic to your teachers, as you ask for more help.  Teachers are also feeling overwhelmed. Many may be teaching at home, while also juggling home teaching their own children. They are receiving new instruction and having workshops, as to how to work remotely, and/or in the classroom during this pandemic.   

A state certified, N.Y.C. teacher/ retired teacher, is another alternative to supplement this effort.  One-on-one tutoring is the most effective way for your child to catch up and excel.  Many parents might think that a high school or college student can take this role.  However, they would not be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your child and the best way to proceed.

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